Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel - Champion's Gravetender, Gravetender's Greatwolf boss fight, exploring Corvian Approach

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The Ashes of Ariandel's Champion's Gravetender and Gravetender's Greatwolf boss fight comes after you've done visited the Rope Bridge and Ariendel Chapel areas.

If you need to retreat and seek help with other parts of the DLC, then see our Dark Souls 3: Ashes of Ariandel guide and walkthrough.

Champion's Gravetender, Gravetender's Greatwolf boss fight

The Gravetender himself shouldn't present too much difficulty - deal with the wolves that are in the area first, and once it's down to just him simply keep out of range of his lunge attacks and when he performs a leaping attack roll towards him and you should pass under him giving you a short window to hit him from behind.

Let's play Ashes of Ariandel Dark Souls 3 DLC new PS4 gameplay

Once he's lost half of his health he'll summon reinforcements in the shape of a Greatwolf, and here things get a bit trickier.

Try and lure the Gravetender away from the wolf and finish him off quickly before turning your attention to his furry friend as dealing with the pair of them can be bad for your health. The wolf can leap a long way, has a surprisingly short turning circle for a thirty foot long monster, and he has a wide-spread ice breath attack in addition to the normal biting and scratching.

Try as much as possible to get underneath him by rolling in when the opportunity arises, block until he tries his breath attack, and then unleash a few blows to his soft underbelly while he's immobile.

Once the fight is over, head back towards where you dropped in to find the Champion's Gravetender bonfire (it can be hard to spot amongst the flowers, but it's there somewhere!) and return to Firelink to burn the Champion's Bones and open up the PvP area. Travel back to Rope Bridge Cave to rejoin the story.

Corvian Approach

From the Rope Bridge Cave bonfire, head towards the bridge, making your way up the slope to the left of it to find a ladder. Turn left at the bottom and follow the narrow ledge around until you meet up with another couple of Followers, and then make your way down the icy slope ahead.

At the bottom keep to your left, mount the small hill, and drop down to the ledges below to find a Budding Green Blossom at the far end before dropping to the lowest level and heading through the arch - the sleeping bird zombies shouldn't provide much resistance if you strike quickly, and can generally be killed before they're fully awake.

Head right along the dirty puddle, and pick your moment to attack the claw-wielding enemy ahead - he has a variety of rapid slashing moves that can cause a great deal of damage, and if you get caught by one then there's a good chance you'll be staggered and cut to shreds.

Turn right at the end, climb up the ladder, and head through the building, collecting the Ember on your way. Enter the building opposite the bridge to find the Corvian Settlement bonfire.

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