Fallout 4 won't have a level cap

Fallout 4 is breaking series tradition by omitting a level cap, developer Bethesda has revealed.

Furthermore, you'll be able to keep exploring after wrapping up the main campaign.

"To our fans who've asked: Fallout 4 doesn't end when the main story is over and there is no level cap. You can keep playing and leveling," the developer stated on Twitter.

Fallout 3's conclusion was rather controversial as its original ending didn't allow you to continue exploring. This was later patched with a new final act that allowed players to continue their adventure after the end credits had rolled.

The level caps for previous Fallout games were as follows (via the Fallout Wikia):

  • Fallout: 21.
  • Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel: 99.
  • Fallout 3: 20 (30 with the Broken Steel add-on).
  • Fallout: New Vegas: 30-50; each of the four add-ons raises the level cap by five.

Fallout 4 launches 10th November on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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