Fallout 76 is entirely online, but you can play solo

Fallout 76 is an "entirely online" game, Bethesda dev chief Todd Howard confirmed during the company's E3 media briefing.

But, you can play the game solo.

Vault 76, which is set in West Virginia, includes a story and levelling up, Howard said, but it's easier to get on playing with other people. There's also a survival element, although Howard called this "softcore survival", as opposed to "hardcore survival".

The world contains dozens of other players, Howard confirmed, not hundreds. "It's the apocalypse, not an amusement park, okay?"

There's a building focus. Unlike in Fallout 4, in Fallout 76 you can build anywhere, and build with friends. The world is broken up into six distinct regions, each with their own style, risks and rewards. There are multiple nuclear missile sites on the map, and the game lets players do whatever they want with them.

Fallout 76 has dedicated servers, Howard revealed. A beta is also planned.

Finally, we have a release date: 14th November 2018.

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