Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Ep 1: Find the control room, disable the power, and escape from danger

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Now deep inside the prison complex, swipe the Control Room Key hanging from the nearby shelf then note the locked blue door to the right. In order to proceed, you'll need to make the most of Natalia's diminutive stature. Head round the back of the shelving unit and approach the small hole in the wall to the right.

In single-player mode, the game automatically switches control to Natalia once you interact with the hole, so guide her through to the other side and grab the brick from the ground on the left.

Now, take a right and cautiously approach the smoking zombie on the ground ahead. When prompted, perform a Brick Strike with your new possession to bludgeon the creature's brains in. Finally, unlock the blue door to switch control back to Barry.

Resident Evil Revelations 2 PS4 vs PC Comparison

As you rejoin Natalia in the corridor, grab the Gunpowder from the shelf ahead and follow the corridor along, pushing the crate of debris aside to clear the path forward. Proceed along the corridor and brace yourself for a sense of deja vu.

The doorway immediately to the right leads down to the workbench room you visited with Moira and Claire earlier, while the right-hand passage ahead returns to the room in which you located the missing cog. Both routes are blocked, however, thanks to the spinning blade contraptions you activated earlier on. You're going to need to disable the power again in order to proceed.

For now then, follow the corridor to the left and go through the blue door. Continue along the corridor (there's an entrance to the Control Room on the right but, sadly, it's locked from the other side), and pass through the door at the far end.

How to deal with the bubbling floor enemies

As you follow the passage around to the right, Natalia alerts you to something mysterious on the ground. This strange mutation bubbles up from the floor as you approach, causing damage when it explodes. Thankfully, you can destroy it with a gunshot from afar.

Continue forward and expect two zombies to strike - one directly ahead, and the other crawling along the floor from inside the cell on the right. Deal with them as you see fit, then pass through the blue door on the left. In the familiar area, you can safely ignore the doorway and corridor to the right - both of which contained zombies - as you'll have picked them clean previously.

Instead, head down the steps to the left and quickly deal with the zombie at the bottom. There's an exploding pus lump on the ground nearby. You can shoot it to damage your opponent, but try not to stray into its blast radius yourself.

Switch off the deadly blades

Once the coast is clear, proceed along the corridor and enter the room with the spinning blades. Immediately to your left at floor level, just below the power room window, is a small hole that Natalia can enter. Examine it to switch characters in single-player mode, then guide her toward the nearby lever. Pulling this deactivates the spinning blades in the area, allowing you to proceed.

Guide Natalia back through the hole and regain control of Barry. Immediately about-face and make your way through the blue door to the right, a little way ahead. Inside the next room, follow the corridor around and deal with the two zombies playing dead on the floor, before passing through the door into the next room.

With all the blades deactivated, it's now possible to continue forward - and you'll noticed that you've returned to the cog puzzle area. Unfortunately, that pesky fire nozzle is still doing its work, blocking the route to the exit. Up ahead, beyond the second disabled blade machine, lies the workbench room - although you currently lack the parts to make the trip worthwhile.

Make your way to the Control Room

Instead, head through the open gate on your right and proceed into the main prison area. Thanks to Claire and Moira's hard work, most of the area's enemies are now dead - but watch out for the zombie and mutant that drop down from above as your move further into the room. Should you need it, there's a Green Herb in a crate inside the final cell on the left.

Once it's yours, use the steps to reach the upper level. There's a locked door at the rear, right-hand side of this area - use your Control Room Key to open it. Make your way inside and grab the 'Escape Report' document from the table. To your left, there's a locked chest on the ground. It requires small hands to open, however, so switch to Natalia and beat the unlocking mini-game by locating the sweet spot, and using the cursor colours and your controller's vibrations as a guide.

There's a handy Parts Box inside. Take it, then direct your attention to the lever on the control panel behind you. Give it a yank and gasp as every cell door on the upper level springs open. This releases four zombies and a larger mutant - so use your Assault Rifle to make quick work of them.

Explore the prison cells

When the coast is clear, start exploring the now-open cells. You'll find the 'Prisoner's Journal' document in the fourth cell to the left and a crate containing a Topaz (100BP) inside the fourth cell on the right. Finally, head to the fifth cell on the right and investigate the hole at the far end, which will allow Natalia to pass through.

With Natalia under your control, follow the blue footprints to your right then drop down from ledge to ledge until you reach the small room blocked by the flame contraption. Assuming you didn't destroy it during the epic final encounter earlier, there's a Rare Parts Box blinking in one corner. Take it, then interact with the contraption in the centre of the room to rotate the flame and clear a path for Barry to join you.

Switch control to Barry, then sprint back to the workbench room if you wish and put your new upgrades to use - you'll encounter a single, solitary zombie on your way. Once you've applied the Damage Lv. 1 upgrade and Damage Lv. 3 to your weapons of choice, return to the flame room, rotate the device once more to clear the path forward, and make your way through the shuttered door at the end.

- The next part of our walkthrough explains how to survive the forest and locate the Radio Tower.

- Looking for the rest of our Resident Evil Revelations 2 strategy guide? Head back to the index page of this article.

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